FIND - Fostering Integral
NEETs Development

European mobility and social inclusion project for integrating disadvantaged young people not in employment, education, or training (NEETs).



PROJECT’S END DATE: 02/04/2025

TOTAL BUDGET: 524 901,98€

ESF+ FUNDING: 419 921,98€



The FIND project aims to lay groundwork for an inclusive and innovative action in Alzira. It will facilitate 2 groups of 10 young people who are no longer in eduction, nor working or being trained to for work (NEETs) to empower themselves while gaining confidence, self-esteem, new skills and European work experience. 

International partners

Project partners

Phases of the project

1) Signing of Memorandum of Understanding with all regional partners and relevant stakeholders: employment agencies, youth organizations, researchers, VET providers, public organizations and business associations.
Duration of the 1st phase: 4 months.

2) This phase will consist of 5-part events:

  • Selection of the 2 groups of 10 NEETs. The focus (target group) will be mainly on economically inactive people and young people without work experience.
  • The selected groups will follow a 2-month tailored program in Alzira covering a wide range of activities.
  • Training abroad complemented with mentoring, social and cultural activities (3 months).
  • Follow-up with candidates after their return: feedback gathering, advice and guidance provided.
  • Compilation of information to build the final report.

Duration of the 2nd phase: 14 months

Radio Disseminations

March 28th, 2024

Interview in Alzira Radio

April 5th, 2024

Interview in Onda Cero

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April 12th, 2024

The participants start this day!

On this date project participants gathered at IDEA for the presentation of the project, which marked the beginning of the preparation phase that will last from April to September. Throughout this phase, participants will take part in training that includes language courses in German and Italian, activities to develop their skills in active job search and an improved knowledge of the opportunities offered by the European Union.

April 19th, 2024

Visit by the professionals from the University of Valencia

FIND participants spent the day doing interviews to verify different competences that the participants have at the beginning of the project; to later compare them with those acquired when they return.

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April 23-24th, 2024

4th ALMA Beneficiary Mutual Learning Event and the 6th ALMA Network Meeting in Malaga, Spain

Professionals from IDEA attended the event where they were able to share and exchange their experiences from the FIND Project, a European project that provides global support to vulnerable young people throughout Europe.

These sessions aimed to promote collaboration and the exchange of knowledge, best practices and successful strategies between all participating entities, facilitating the exchange, improving the scope and effectiveness of social innovation and future mobility projects.

The sessions also included hands-on activities focused on real-time problem solving and updates on ongoing activities that emphasized the successes and challenges of various participating entities.

May 9th, 2024

Visit to Eurodek Alaquàs

The participants of the FIND project visited the centre where the employees of Eurodesk Alzira spoke about relevant European resources for youth: European projects, resources, Europass, etc.
Besides, Councillor Jaime Marqués visited us and discussed with FIND participants about the European Parliament elections. He was interested in hearing what they think and the need to vote or not, how the parliament works, etc. Also, we played an Online Escape Room and at the end of the day visited the local Castle of Alaquás.

May 14-16th, 2024

Study visit to IAL MARCHÉ in Fano, Italy

Responsibles of the FIND Project have visited the apartaments and the companies where the participants will be doing the internships.
IAL MARCHÉ is the hosting entity and is in charge to find the best place for their internships. Sport shops, local TV, vegan restaurant, associations, library, hotels are some of the companies that will collaborate with us. We are excited to soon start the interships!

May 15th, 2024

Presentation on communication with Esteban Espinilla May 15th, 2024

The FIND participants attended a presentation at Casa de la Cultura in Alzira held by illustrator Esteban Espinilla. During it they have been able to find out techniques to communicate in an effective and creative way.

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May 27th, 2024

Session with El teu initerari vital

Two technicians from the El teu itinerari vital project, Anna Estrelles and Ruth Garrigues, organized a session with the participants of the FIND project. 

They presented the employment resources that El teu itinerari vital relies on and, together with FIND participants, worked on personal branding. It as continous process, which represents a person from a professional and personal perspective in a digital world. Therefore, it is an essential tool in job searching and carreer building.

May 27th, 2024

Meeting of 4 regional partners of FIND project

On this day 4 project partners met at the Asociación Empresarial Alzira to plan the actions to be developed by each partner within the framework of this project.

June 21st, 2024

2 technicians of the program El Teu Itinerari of Idea present the functions of the Portalemp platform

The 2 technicians explained the functions of the Portalemp platform and guided the participants  in the process of developing a good resume, thus improving their job skills for a future successful job placement.

July 3rd, 2024

A Group workshop in the Espai Labora de Alzira, collaborating entity of the Project

One of the main objectives of the FIND project is to improve the employability and working skills of the young people involved so we have explained available resources to update our profile and demand and be able to be more competitive in the job offers published on the web.

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July 10th, 2024

Visit with the buisness association from Alzira and Etiquetas Costa

Miguel Costa’s presentation about his business model and production system was very interesting and made the participants of the FIND project understand the operation of the company and the type of training required to work in it.

July 10th, 2024

Training workshop

the group of FIND project participants accompanied by the guidance counsellors, participated in a very interesting training workshop, in the center of @gvalabora Alzira (collaborating center of the project).

They had the opportunity to learn about the advantages of being enrolled in the Youth Guarantee Fund, and among many other issues, they talked about the different possibilities for students to continue training upon their return from Italy


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July 15th, 2024

Visit of the entity OPENCOM in Arezzo

We had the opportunity to meet the professional and human team, their facilities, accomodation, companies where our young people will do the internship.

July 16th, 2024

Visit of the Alzira Business Association

 Francisco Javier Sanchis, vice president of the association and owner of the company SANCHIS CLIMA, explained to us the needs of the labor market and requirements of a good candidate to access the job, whose main answer was ATTITUDE and DESIRE to learn and work, in addition to the training required for the job.

Subsequently, Nuria Gil, manager of the AEA, explained the structure of the Association, services, associated companies and resources to be used, was very interesting and sure that practice for the near future.

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July 29-30th, 2024

Activities Multiadventure

The young people were here to find work through the FIND project so they had the opportunity to do these activities with other young people in the same situation as them.
It allowed them to socialize, exchange and have fun with each other.

August 9th,2024 

First interview of participants in the find project

First interview with a new concept and new name, EAOE means Entrevistas(Interview) Alzira On Europe.

entrevistas cobertura (1)
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August 29th, 2024

Meeting between the FIND project and the OpenCom and IAL Marche organisations

FIND project participants meet with host organisations, OpenCom and IAL Marche to finalise preparations before starting their mobility. Next Monday, day 2, 11 participants travel to Arezzo and on Thursday 12 will start the adventure for 10 participants who will carry out their internship in Fano

September 2nd, 2024

The first FIND group leaves for Arezzo

The first group of FIND project participants left this morning for Arezzo.
Courses last 3 months then students will return in early December.

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September 2nd, 2024

Small student interview before leaving

Short interview with Borja (FIND project participant) about his feeling before leaving for Arezzo.

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