Idea Moves VI

IDEA Moves: mobilities of VET students in the framework of the Erasmus+ project of the European Union


PROJECT’S END DATE: 31/05/2022 

TOTAL BUDGET: 157,154€

Description and Objectives

The “IDEA Moves” project of the City Council of Alzira is an initiative within the Erasmus+ Mobility programme of the European Union that allows students from IDEA’S Vocational Education for Employment and Employment Workshops to carry out their internships abroad in countries such as Malta, the United Kingdom and Italy. The aim of this project is that the students of these training initiatives developed by IDEA Alzira have the opportunity, thanks to these mobilities abroad, to strengthen their knowledge and put their training into practice, as well as to improve their professional skills through their work in a different work environment.

Sixth Edition

This project has become a sign of identity for the capital of the Ribera Alta region and that currently adds the fact that last June, with a new approval by the SEPIE (Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education), the Alzira Town Council was able to get IDEA Moves to be developed again next year for the sixth consecutive time. With an investment by the European institutions of 157,154 Euros and 70 new places for transnational mobilities, and being among the 10 most funded projects of these characteristics in Spain (7th position), this renewal is a great support from the Alzira City Council, through its Department of Economic Development, Employment, Commerce and European Projects.

Extra Info

IDEA Moves, throughout its five previous editions and once this current sixth edition comes to an end, will have carried out a total of 237 European Erasmus+ mobilities through IDEA, with a total funding of 604,449 Euros.


Asunción's Experience

In the framework of the #ErasmusDays, a campaign initiated by SEPIE to celebrate the benefits of European mobility, we presented Asunción.

Thanks to the City Council of Alzira, through IDEA and Alzira On Europe, this student of a VET for Employment course on Cooking, financed by LABORA, did an internship in Polo, Pasta & Pizza, a restaurant in Pesaro, Italy.

There she was able to make good use of everything she learned during the course and learn practical skills for her future career.

Plaza Podcast

Also for the #ErasmusDays campaign, Amparo Fernández, Alba Iborra and Teresa Vayá talked on Plaza Podcast about the IDEA Moves VI and its changes on the lives of the participants.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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