The project will offer a targeted support scheme in Italy, the UK, Norway, Spain, Bulgaria and Greece, to support mothers returning to employment and offering training whilst taking them on a journey of discovery. The women will recognise the skills they have developed as mothers and the project will also ensure employers become more aware of how pregnancy and child rearing enhances the skills of their female workers.

PROJECT’S END DATE: 30/06/2021
TOTAL BUDGET: 238.545 €
Description and Objectives
The main objective of the project is therefore to boost the employability skills for women with children, mothers wishing to return to work.
Raising awareness of the skills mothers develop during pregnancy and whilst caring for children.
Raise awareness with employers in the public and private sector of the benefits of employing mothers returning to work.
A 24 hour online learning platform to support the women beyond the life of the project.
Mothers are often discriminated against when applying for jobs, whether directly or indirectly and there is evidence to show that even in the 21st century, many women still have to put their careers on hold when they make the decision to have children.
Project Partners

The learning methodology for the model will include a mix of group workshops, active learning and e-learning. The flexibility in the delivery of the programme will ensure that learner’s needs and learning styles are being addressed.
The curriculum will undergo a pilot test in each country. Approximately 25 teachers will test the MOM programme and learn how to teach it, followed by 80 unemployed mothers who will benefit from the training. The project will commence with a Focus Group with 15 participants and findings of the reporting will be shared with policy makers and employers in both the public and private sector.
The Project Platform will be accessible for participants in the partner countries. As the platform will be available beyond the project lifetime (a minimum of 5 years), participants will benefit from ongoing support after the project ends.
At the end of the project, it is envisaged that the women participating in the project will have increased their self-confidence, acquired new skills and will recognise existing skills they have developed as mothers, thereby actively engaging in their local community and contributing to the long term sustainability of the project.
Expected Results
E-campus: development of a multilingual and interactive online platform for unemployed mothers.
Reports on good practices in Europe and focus group in each partner country.
Workshop for mothers: Design of training (workshop) of empowerment of unemployed mothers and strategic job search; 3-day pilot workshop with 20 participants in Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Bulgaria for unemployed mothers.
MOM training for trainers: Preparation of trainers to disseminate the method; creation of a manual for new policies and recommendations; pilot seminar for 5 MOM teachers in the United Kingdom, Spain, Bulgaria and Greece.
Promotion: Seminar open to the public in each country for 20 participants; round table at regional level for 150 stakeholders and key actors; final conference in Italy to raise awareness on the subject, its sustainability and continuation (participation of 200 stakeholders)

Milano Design Meeting

On 24th and 25th January took place the forth international meeting of the Project, focused on developing and improving the platform that will host the MOOC courses both for mothers and for trainers.
The main aim of the project is to appraising the skills that woman naturally learn during motherhood, in an employability perspective. For assessing these motherhood competencies and developing other professional skills an online platform has been created. The MOM e-campus is an open e-learning platform that include the learning area with MOM MOOCs and other open education resources, and an European peer community to meet and share at EU level.
Pilot Test For Improving The Online Course For Future MOM Trainers
On 31st of January 2019, the City Council of Alzira organized a pilot seminar in which 6 people were involved. The aim of pilot testing was to collect feedbacks from the future MOM trainers regarding the modules proposed in the MOOC curse for MOM trainers, developed in the previous months by the project partners.
The MOM Project aims to turn parental skills got during maternity leave into job skills, assessing it according to the ECVET. That would improve the caregivers’ employability at the moment of going back to work. Important feedback on the six modules were collected in order to improve the MOOC course for its official launch.

Pilot Test For Improving Online Courses For Mothers And Caregivers

The City Council of Alzira carried out a pilot course in which 30 mothers were involved. The aim of this pilot course was to correct the possible errors on the platform and to make sure that the MOM platfom was ready to be officially launched.
Multiplier Event To Disseminate The Project
After all the tests, the platform is ready. The City Council of Alzira did an online Multiplier Event in order to inform the popultation about the course, the importance of it and how to register and access the platform.