Women@Work aims to enhance and strengthen women’s talents by contributing to the innovation of services and the improvement of practices dedicated to them in training and re-employment paths.

PROJECT’S END DATE: 01/09/2023
TOTAL BUDGET: 60.000 €
Description and Objectives
The specific objective is to provide operators and partner organizations with effective and innovative methodological tools, designed from the needs of women in an increasingly digitized labour market, and a common framework for evaluation and validation of skills acquired in training, in order to design training and guidance strategies capable of responding more effectively and timely to the challenges of women in the contemporary labour market.
The Women@Work project refers to three main target groups:
- career counsellors and training professionals (both belonging to the partner organisations and directly involved in the programme and in the actions of the project, and present in other European organisations);
- the partner organisations;
- the final beneficiaries of the proposed actions — women in different phases of their professional life, representatives of the “wasted human talent” as unemployed, underemployed, economically and socially vulnerable or in precarious situations.
Project Partners

The results to be achieved are:
- The creation of a Map of the training needs of women in the digital era whose contents will include a systematization of existing studies on trends related to the professions of the future and the digitalization of the labour market and the results of a participatory research on the needs of women in this context.
- The co-designing of Tools to accompany the re-employment of women in the digital era, i.e. the codification of common training strategies and tools created through the hybridization of organizations’ methods, with particular focus on digital skills.
- The development of a Framework for measuring the impact and evaluation of the skills needed by women in the labour market in the digital era.
Focus Groups
In order to achieve the objective of the project, we first sought to detect the new needs of women in their reintegration into the labour market, both training needs and priority needs of the market. Therefore, in order to gather answers, we organised 4 working groups:
- Local Development Agents,
- Trainers,
- Companies and entrepreneurs,
- Associations.
The feedback collected was very useful in mapping the needs of women in the digital age.
Multiplier Event -Presentation of the Map of Training Needs of Women in the Digital Era
The results to be achieved are:
- The creation of a Map of the training needs of women in the digital era whose contents will include a systematization of existing studies on trends related to the professions of the future and the digitalization of the labour market and the results of a participatory research on the needs of women in this context.
- The co-designing of Tools to accompany the re-employment of women in the digital era, i.e. the codification of common training strategies and tools created through the hybridization of organizations’ methods, with particular focus on digital skills.
- The development of a Framework for measuring the impact and evaluation of the skills needed by women in the labour market in the digital era.
Transnational Meeting: Design Meeting - November 2022
The following phase of the project consisted in the co-design of new digital training modules for women, based on the competences defined and validated by the working team.
In this phase, the second “Transnational Meeting: Design Meeting” took place in Spain in November 2022 to initiate an exchange of practices between the digital accompaniment tools used by Piano C and IDEA Alzira and to initiate the co-design of digital tools defined by the partners and hybridised by their mutual experiences.