YOUth for EU: Empowering YOUth Citizenship for EU Future

The CERV programme seeks to support and develop open, rights-based, democratic, equal and inclusive societies based on the rule of law.

PROJECT’S END DATE: 31/04/2024

TOTAL BUDGET: 206.000,00 €

Description & Objectives

This project aims to become a space for networking of youth policy makers and to influence youth specific decision making at local and regional level, i.e. municipal and regional authorities, representatives of local councils, teachers, youth workers and youth animators.

The main objectives of the project are to:

  • build a network of small-sized proeuropean cities that want to be friendly to young people and encourage them to invest themselves in their local communities and spread knowledge about the European Union and common values.
  • exchange good practices regarding the creation and implementation of youth policy in local governments and non-governmental organizations.

Target groups

Target groups can be divided into two parts:

  • firstly, young people aged 13-25, who will take part in each events.
  • secondly, in the events, apart from the youth themselves, there will be local authorities, people working with young people at various levels, teachers and experts.


The needs were also divided into two groups:

  • Youth – partner organizations due to their current activities know the needs of young people perfectly. By compiling catalogs of the needs of young people from partner countries, they can be gathered to one denominator, i.e. putting more emphasis on non-formal education, acquisition of intercultural skills, financial support and material self-government on youth projects, greater support for cities for NGOs, creation of places and programs encouraging young people to stay in cities.

  • Partners org. – At the target group level from partner organizations, the context of the project is dominated by the need to expand international cooperation, exchange good practices with people who have experience in implementing youth activities, develop and transfer tools in the field of youth policy to local soil, and a desire to increase civic awareness among young people.

Mobility to Salamina (Greece)

The first of the activities planned under the CERV program took place on November 21-25th, 2022 in Salamina, Greece. It was attended by 6 participants from our town.

This first meeting aimed to be a first contact between a variety of European institutions from various countries and young people from each participating country.

During the stay, a series of activities and study visits were carried out, the main objective of which was to discuss topics that could be of interest to young people and the institutions of the European Union, such as international dialogue, the fight against climate change and gender issues.

This first activity is considered the first step in a series of activities that will be carried out during the duration and implementation of the project, and aims to produce a rapprochement between the public institutions of the European Union and the young Europeans that make it up.

Mobility to Starachowice (Poland)

The second part of these mobility activities took place from February 20th to February 24th, 2023 where 5 participants (3 IDEA employees as a public institution and 2 young volunteers from our community) travelled to Starachowice, Poland.

During this second mobility, the aim was again to initiate a debate and promote participation between different public bodies of the countries of the European Union and young citizens of each country. To this end, a series of informal activities were carried out, including field trips to public facilities located in the city, informal debates, and facilitators and activators hired by the organizers of this event in Poland to lead the debates and activities.

Mobility in Alzira (Spain)

The 3rd meeting was held on June 11-15th, 2023, in Alzira, Spain.

30 participants, which included youth workers and young people from participating countries, attended a variety of activities. These included an Oxford-style debate and EU knowledge test with students of IES Rei En Jaume secondary school, a visit to La Murta Natural Site, and a World Café Discussion. The themes of these activities were focused on the environment and the European Green Deal in particular, but also touched upon subjects such as European citizenship, health, cybersecurity and fake news.

Besides that, the participants attended a series of presentations delivered by youth workers in the Valencian Community & Ribera Alta regions. The representatives of participating countries also had a chance to introduce their institutions and share best practices, ideas and suggestions regarding the running of youth policies.


See the full video about the mobility in Alzira:

Mobility to Faenza (Italy)

The 4th part of mobility activities took place on October 23-27th, 2023, in Faenza, Italy. It was attended by 5 employees of IDEA.

This mobility was aimed at exploring the European Institutions, particularly European Parliament, and their roles in greater depth ahead of 2024 European Parliament elections.

Throughout the mobility participants were able to continue sharing and acquiring various perspectives on the challenges and issues faced by young people across the European Union. This was done through various workshops, simulations and engagement with the local youth of Faenza. Overall, the mobility was an opportunity for participants to improve their transversal competences, English level and soft skills.

Mobility to Rotterdam (The Netherlands)

The 5th meeting took place from 11th to 15th of December, 2023 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Once again, 5 employees from IDEA participated in the event. 

Activities organized during this meeting provided a space where attendees from different nationalities had the opportunity to contribute their views on the most concerning issues for youth, share perspectives, and learn from each other. Morevover, it was a connecting link that highlighted the importance of multiculturalism, language learning, and skills, not only on a professional, but also on a personal level. It provided a place to learn from a new approach, appreciating the country’s culture and traditions.

Mobility to Santarém (Portugal)

The 6th mobility was in Santarém (Portugal) between the 4th and the 8th of March 2024. This mobility was attended by 5 young participants related to IDEA.

During this mobility, the participants not only learned more about the European institutions and the upcoming European Parliament elections in June; they also had the opportunity of meeting people from different parts of Europe and knowing, in a deeper way, the particularities of the region that we visited.

These working days were plenty of activities and visits that helped the participants to improve their level of English and their soft skills.

Final Online Conference

The final online conference of the European YOUth for EU project took place on Wednesday 24 April 2024. Not only the results of the project were presented, but we also heard testimonies and experiences of participants in different events. Moreover, the conference was a success with more than 120 participants.

More about CERV

The CERV programme seeks to support and develop open, rights-based, democratic, equal and inclusive societies based on the rule of law. That includes a vibrant and empowered civil society, encouraging people’s democratic, civic and social participation and cultivating the rich diversity of European society, based on our common values, history and memory.

The CERV programme has four pillars

  • Equality, Rights and Gender Equality – promoting rights, non-discrimination, equality (including gender equality), and advancing gender and non-discrimination mainstreaming
  • Citizens’ engagement and participation – promoting citizens engagement and participation in the democratic life of the Union, exchanges between citizens of different Member States, and raising awareness of the common European history
  • Daphne – fight violence, including gender-based violence and violence against children
  • Union values – protect and promote Union values

Civil society organisations active at local, regional, national and transnational level, as well as other stakeholders, can apply to receive CERV funding for initiatives aimed at citizens’ engagement, equality for all and the protection and promotion of rights and EU values.

The Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme was launched in 2021 and will run for seven years until 2027.








Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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