The Alzira City Council is a member of the European Alliance for Apprenticeship​

We are pleased to announce that the Alzira City Council has been, since 2019, one of the active members of the European Alliance for Apprenticeship (EAfA), a network that brings together governments, businesses, organizations, trade unions, and key actors from across Europe to improve the quality, supply, and overall image of apprenticeship programs.

The EAfA was launched in 2013 by the European Commission and is part of the European strategy for employment and growth. Since then, it has become a reference platform for cooperation and the exchange of good practices in the field of vocational education and training.

In addition, the EAfA has established a series of specific objectives to promote learning in Europe. These include:

  • Increasing the supply of high-quality apprenticeship programs, especially in strategic sectors such as energy and the green transition.
  • Improving the recognition of skills acquired through apprenticeships, both nationally and internationally.
  • Promoting the mobility of apprentices in Europe and abroad, through programs such as Erasmus+.
  • Encouraging the participation of companies, especially SMEs, in the development and implementation of apprenticeship programs.

As a member of the EAfA, the Alzira City Council has pledged to increase the number and quality of apprenticeships offered. Through our participation in the Alliance, we aim to enhance the image of apprenticeships and promote their mobility, both locally and across borders. Specifically, we have committed to increasing the number of European apprentices hosted by Alzira through the Eurodyssee program, as well as offering more scholarships to young people through initiatives like the IDEA Movilidad scholarship. We also aim to improve and diversify our apprenticeship offerings by forging new partnerships with regional, national, and European organizations. By fulfilling these commitments, we hope to provide more opportunities for young people to develop their professional skills and contribute to the growth of our local economy.

In summary, being a member of the EAfA means that the Alzira City Council is part of a community committed to the development of high-quality vocational education and training policies and practices. Our goal is to contribute to the creation of a more prepared Europe for the challenges of the future, in terms of employment, education, and sustainability.We are pleased to announce that the Alzira City Council has been, since 2019, one of the active members of the European Alliance for Apprenticeship (EAfA).


Through its membership in the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA), the City Council of Alzira has committed to improving the quality, supply, and perception of its apprenticeship programs. The following are the specific commitments agreed upon by the City Council of Alzira to contribute to the development of high-quality vocational education and training:

  • Pledged to increase the supply of apprenticeships

    Key activities:
    • To increase the number of European apprentices hosted by Alzira in the context of the Eurodyssee program with the help of the EAfA pledge. Since 2011, when the City Council of Alzira first participated in the Eurodyssee initiative, the Municipality has hosted 19 European apprentices.
    • To increase the number of scholarships offered by the City Council of Alzira (i.e. Becas IDEA Movilidad scholarship recipients) Participation in the EAfA is expected to boost the number of opportunities for young apprentices.
    Number of places: 15

    Date: 31/03/2021

  • Pledged to improve the quality of apprenticeships

    Key activities:
    • To extend and enhance the regional, national and European partnerships of the City Council of Alzira to improve and diversify its apprenticeship offer and delivery through its EAfA membership.
    • IDEA also pledges to report via the EAfA Biennial monitoring survey on the extent its participation in the Alliance has improved the quality of its apprenticeship offer and delivery.
    • Indicators: Number of new partnerships developed; Evidence of how these new partnerships enhance the quality of IDEA offer to apprentices; IDEA takes part in the 2021 monitoring exercise.
    Date: 31/03/2021
  • Pledged to enhance the image of apprenticeships

    Key activities:
    • To enhance the image of apprenticeships in the city and municipality of Alzira through improved supply and quality of apprenticeships and mobility of apprentices, fostered by IDEA membership in the EAfA.
    • Participating in the EAfA will contribute to enhancing the profile of the City Council of Alzira as a reliable partner for promoting apprenticeship mobility among institutional partners and young people looking for professional development opportunities.

    Date: 31/03/2021

  • Pledged to contribute to the mobility of apprenticeships

    Key activities:
    • To promote cross-border mobility of apprentices.
    • Participation of IDEA in the EAfA is expected to promote cross-border mobility of apprentices. Since 2009, IDEA has offered more than 200 mobility opportunities abroad, thanks to programs like Erasmus+ KA1, Eurodyssee program, IDEA’s scholarships, and other European initiatives (about 20 apprenticeships per year). IDEA pledges to offer 80 new apprenticeship placements abroad until February 2020.
    Number of places to send abroad: 80

    Date: 29/02/2020


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.